Sunday 27th June 2010
Bob Thompson
This smallish pub is in the heart of the Old Town, quite close to the river and the famous Charles Bridge. It is, however, the perfect antidote to the tourist excesses of this area. Its prices are reasonable for both food and beer and the quality is high.
The main room is where the bar is. Down below, in the cellar area, there is another bar, but I've never seen it open. This is where the brewery is to be found.
At the back of the premises is an open courtyard with seats and tables.
This pub has had its brewery since 2008 and there are two standard beers:
12% Pražský Most Světlé and 13% Pražský Most Tmavé. The first being a light and the second a dark. We thought both were very good indeed and had a second helping.
If that is not enough this pub also sells two draught beers from the Rohozec brewery. It was founded in 1850 in the small village of Malý Rohozec near Turnov in North Eastern Bohemia. Their two beers were: Rohozec 11% Světlé and 13% Rohozec Tmavé.
The furniture and interior decor are worthy of comment. The chairs and tables are all carved of oak and there are some very strange and slightly sinister metal sculptures. It looks like this pub has had some very well-known visitors in the past if the portrait in the cellar bar is anything to go by!
Important Information:
Pražký most U Valšů, Restaurant a minipivovar, Betlémská 5, Praha 1, 11000.
Open: Monday to Friday 11.00-23.00; Saturday to Sunday 12.00-23.00
There are lots of public transport options with five and ten minutes walk of this pub.