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Pub Visit - Europe (except Germany)

Skolicka 1Tuesday 7th May 2013

Bob Thompson

BeerVisits is always keen to bring you information on new breweries as quickly as possible and here was no exception as we were on the case a month after inauguration day, which was actually 6th April 2013. The brewery is known as Beznoska and is located in the Školička pub and restaurant that has been here for some time. The name means school and whether or not it was once a school I don't know, but it probably was. It is also a pension (guesthouse) and it has a few single and double rooms with full facilities and provides breakfast.

Skolicka 2Although it is in a residential area that provides its custom, it is not a pub one would necessarily associate with a brewery, as it is quite out of the way.

Skolicka 4RIt has two main entrances, with the one on the right being to the smoking bar, which I suppose is the equivalent of a Public Bar. There is also a large covered smoking terrace at the front, along with a kid's playground. The main room is found through the left-hand door with the bar directly in front.

The brewery is alongside the bar with another larger room to the left. I count myself lucky as it was a brewing day and steam was clinging to the ceiling, providing a lovely aroma in the background to some beer drinking. The brewery is of 500 litre capacity and I watched as the young brewer, Přemysl Chmelař, went about his business, checking temperatures and adjusting settings on the brewery's control panel. The primary fermentation vessels, open, yet with a lid, and the secondary maturation tanks, are located in the cellar.

Skolicka 3L
There was just one beer on offer and that is always available; Svetlý ležák 12° (4.5%) and it's an unfiltered, unpasteurized mid-strength light beer.

However, there have already been a number of specials: Klíčovská polotmavá 14° (5.4%), a strong amber beer named after the street outside; Tmavý pšeničný Kolušek 12° (4.7%), a dark wheat beer; Pšeničný Kolušek 12° (4.7%), a normal wheat beer and American Pale Ale 12° (4.5%).

This is a good local's pub that features a full menu and a number of interesting beers, with the promise of more to come. So it's well worth leaving the city centre as you just don't know what is going to be offered.

Important Information:

Školička, Klíčovská 11, Praha 11. Tel: 286 583 299

Open: Daily 11.00-23.00

From the city centre take metro line C in the direction of Letňany and alight at the penultimate station, Prosek. This is in front of a shopping centre and the most prominent marker to continue the journey is Macdonalds. In front of this is a crossroads. Take Čakovická which is to the right. This road then curves slightly to the left and on the right you see a road named Okřinecká amongst the blocks of flats. At the end of this road you are in Klíčovská. Turn left and continue along it and will see the pub on the left.