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Pub Visit - Germany

Neuhaus (Windischeschenbach), Bayern (Bavaria):
Beim Bahler

Beim1Visited on: Friday 24th February 2017

Bob Thompson

I’m very certain that this is the first Zoigl house I ever visited in Neuhaus back in the mid 1980s. I remember it for one particular reason. There were lots of motorcyclists and their machines in the courtyard. What I couldn’t reconcile was that I remember the bar room as being in a different location. So, whilst researching this piece I discovered that they moved the Zoiglstube into a former cow shed during Autumn 2004. It all fits into place now.

Beim Bahler 2The six-pointed star was hanging high when I entered through the large wooden door leading to the courtyard. When you look at the older-established Zoigl houses in this village you can see that they are all actually small farm houses. They all have courtyards and many out-buildings that once served as barns or, as mentioned above, winter accommodation for animals.

I was the only customer here and although it should have opened at 10.00, it felt like that had only just happened, at 13.30! Normally there’s just one Zoigl house open in Neuhaus over most weekends but on this one there were two, so it wouldn’t have been a problem had I arrived earlier.

Yet, I was disappointed to find that the Hotel zum Walnaabtal over the road closes its restaurant and bar on Fridays. This is a *** hotel that has its own variety of Zoigl beer from the Neuhaus Commune Brewery. Pity, I would have liked one on this day.

Beim Bahler 3So I settled down and looked around and quickly confirmed that I had not previously been in this room. The furniture is all light varnished wood. Basically the layout is a mixture of small alcoves with low divisions and larger tables. Around the outside walls are fitted bench-type seats but there is a huge pile of soft cushions to be used if required. Halfway down the room is a rather odd looking stove that seems to be made of concrete, at least on the outside. The room is very colourful with lots of decorations.

Beim Bahler 4The beer was a bit surprising as it seemed lighter than the other Zoigl beers, which are normally mid-brown. Also, the hop count seemed to be higher. Of course this will happen as each house uses different additives, the yeast and hops, compared to the next one.

The Kommunbrauerei in this village was built in 1876, replacing an earlier version and it is still going strong with equipment being renewed over the years 1991 to 2006.

Beim Bahler 5JOf course, this house and all the others in this village obtain the wort from the Brauhaus. In other towns and villages this is not always the case. Houses exercise their right to serve beer but obtain their wort from a commercial brewer and some just import it fully brewed.

There are five Kummunbrauereien in the Oberpfalz area of Bavaria. Their pubs and beers are promoted as Echter Zoigl (Original Zoigl). Look out for the green “Echter Zoigl” signs for a guarantee it has come from one of these old breweries.

Back to Beim Bahler. This is a lovely pub and offers a menu based around Oberpfalzer specialities, think pork in many guises.

Important Information:

Beim Bahler, Marktplatz 12 Neuhaus 92670 Neuhaus. Tel: 09681 3916

Hours: Friday-Tuesday: 10.00-23.00. Only when advertised to open.

Buses to Windischeschenbach are infrequent and usually run only Mondays to Fridays.
The station is served by trains of Vogtlandbahn Railway Company and they operate about every hour, Monday to Friday and two-hourly on Saturday and Sunday.
They run from Regensburg to Marktredwitz via Schwandorf and Weiden.

From the station turn right up the hill along Bahnhofstrasse, go past the Würth Brewery.
At the cross roads turn right and go under the railway arch. Bear left and start the climb.
You will see on the right side of the road a set of steps. This is an alternative way of getting to Neuhaus.
Even though there are paths it is mostly steps and they are uneven. Going this way you will pass the castle and eventually arrive at the bottom of Marktplatz near to the Hotel zum Waldnaabtal.

Sticking to the footpath alongside the road will provide a continuous but slightly more gentle climb.
This also leads to the Hotel zum Waldnaabtal which is worth visiting for Zoigl beer if it is open.
You are now at the foot of Marktplatz and will see the hanging sign of Teicher on the right side.

Update January 2020. For actual days of opening see
For a taxi in the Neuhaus/Windischeschenbach area Martin Neugirg on 09681 3915 is recommended.