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Pub Visit - Germany

München (Munich), Bayern (Bavaria):
Forschungs Brauerei Marktshänke beim Viktualienmarkt

Thursday 30th July 2015

Bob Thompson

Forschungs1The full title of this pub is a bit of a mouthful but roughly translates as the Research Brewery Market Tap at the Viktualienmarkt, which is as long a title as the German original.

The Forschungs Brewery is a bit of a Munich institution, being founded in the village (now a suburb) of Perlach in 1930 by Gottfried Jakob to develop different beer styles. It is a pleasant spot to visit in the summer months and is reachable by S-Bahn train.

Forschungs2In fact you can only visit the Perlach pub in the Summer months as it is generally only open from mid-March and closes in mid-October. It’s quite small inside yet has quite a large biergarten. So the arrival of their beers in central Munich is something to be applauded as you can now get them all year round. However here the hours are a bit limited.

As it was Thursday they should have opened at 13.00. So I duly presented myself at 10 minutes past and it was closed! I then rearranged my tour of Munich and returned just after 17.00 and it was open. I entered and was surprised that I was the only customer. In fact, it is feasible to assume it had only just opened.

Forschungs3It is in a good location across the road from the world-famous market which was absolutely heaving. I can’t help but think there are opportunities going missing here. A few directional signs in the market might help.

Inside I found a pub that was fairly traditional but a little odd. There was dark stained wood panelling to about three metres height. The chairs are painted green with cushioning and the tables had scrubbed pine tops. I thought the strangest features are the light shades which are globe-shaped and slightly reminiscent of the 1960s fabric type; they don’ seem to go with the remainder of the décor. The bar / service area is at the rear of the room which is quite small really.

There were five beers on offer and these were: Gottfried Jakobs Blonder Bock (7.6%): Pilsissimus Export Bier (5.5%, sometimes quoted as 5.2%); Münchner Vollbier Hell (4.9%); Münchner Naturquell Dunkel (5.4%) and Wahre Weisse (5.6%).

The first two were available when I last visited the brewery tap in Perlach several years ago. The practice then was serve the beers in a one litre mass after 16.00, basically precluding a chance to drink the Bockbier.

Forschungs4I believe this rule has now been abandoned and 0.5l glasses are now the norm all of the time, thank goodness! I understand the Vollbier was introduced a few years ago and the remaining two are new creations for this central Munich pub.

Assuming it is open when you turn up, there are many reasons to visit this pub and drink these unusual beers. They are not filtered or pasteurised and are produced on an old brewery that is not automated. The five beers are offered in a taster set of 0.1l glasses and the pub offers food.

Important Information:

Forschungs Brauerei Marktshänke beim Viktualienmarkt, Frauenstrasse 10 München
Tel: 089 2307 7223

Open: Tuesday-Wednesday 15.00-24.00; Thursday-Saturday 13.00-24.00.
Sunday-Monday: Closed. See notes above regarding opening times.

Easy to find in the centre of the old city. From Marienplatz station, exit from the S-Bahn platform (S-Bahn) if coming from Hauptbahnhof (Main station) at the south easterly end.

Walk through the arch into Tal. Turn immediately into Viktualienmarkt. This leads to the market itself. Cross it diagonally past all the stalls, if you can resist the temptation. Pass the biergarten in the middle. You will then exit the market into Frauenstrasse. The pub is on the opposite side of the road to the market.

Marienplatz station is served by S1-S4, S6 and S8.
It is also served by U-Bahn lines U3 and U6.

Update January 2020. This pub has CLOSED.