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Pub Visit - Germany

Teicher1Visited on: Friday 24th February 2017

Bob Thompson

It was a rather unusual weekend when I visited Teicher-Zoigl as there were two Zoigl houses open. This only happens occasionally, except for the 3rd October when it is the Tag der Kommunbrauer, the Day of the Commune Brewer. Then, for one day only all seven Zoigl houses are open. It seems to be held on the same date every year, irrespective of day. There are six residential brewers plus the Hotel der Waldnaabtal which also offers Zoigl beer.

As a typical example of a Zoigl house, Teicher opens for ten long weekends (Friday to Monday) a year. It is the home of the Punzmann family.

Teicher2I believe that the name of Teicher comes from the occupant at the time that beer was first offered to the public from the house. As in most cases the practice of brewing beer by individual house-owners died out. However, at this particular residence it was revived in the early 1970s by Otto Punzmann. He handed over the reins to his son Jürgen although he still assists with the brewing.

Neuhaus is a common name in Bavaria and it is important to establish which one I was visiting. This one is often referred to as Neuhaus (Windischeschenbach).

Teicher3It has a castle and overlooks the town of Windischeschenbach about one kilometre away. That also has a Kommunbrauerei yet unlike Neuhaus, some of the outlets there take beer from other sources and one even has its own brewery. Nevertheless it regards itself as the “Capital of Zoigl Beer”, probably true with ten outlets. Please see many articles in, also about Neuhaus.

I went through the large archway into the yard. This is now protected by a secure metal door. I then turned right up five steps to enter the zoiglstube. There were around ten people enjoying the beer in this early afternoon.

Teicher4JWithin the pub there are three rooms that hold around 100 customers. In the summer months there is also a terrace that can accommodate a further 80 thirsty drinkers. I settled in main room where the service counter is located. It is comfortably attired with cushioned seats and tablecloth-covered tables. The white-painted walls have wooden panelling on their lower half. There is a wooden ceiling and tiled floor. Service was prompt from the brick-built “bar”. As is always the case there was just the one beer. It was yet another pleasant Zoigl beer offered at a bargain price.

The menu here is also very typical of Oberpfalz with many local specialities. They also have a letting apartment at very reasonable rates that consists of a bedroom with a double bed, kitchen and bathroom. It looks very smart indeed.

Important Information:

Teicher Zoigl, Marktplatz 4 Neuhaus 92670 Neuhaus. Tel: 09681 918074

Hours: Friday-Monday: 10.00-23.00. Only when advertised to open.

Buses to Windischeschenbach are infrequent and usually run only Mondays to Fridays.
The station is served by trains of Vogtlandbahn Railway Company and they operate about every hour, Monday to Friday and two-hourly on Saturday and Sunday.
They run from Regensburg to Marktredwitz via Schwandorf and Weiden.

From the station turn right up the hill along Bahnhofstrasse, go past the Würth Brewery.
At the cross roads turn right and go under the railway arch. Bear left and start the climb.
You will see on the right side of the road a set of steps. This is an alternative way of getting to Neuhaus.
Even though there are paths it is mostly steps and they are uneven. Going this way you will pass the castle and eventually arrive at the bottom of Marktplatz near to the Hotel zum Waldnaabtal.

Sticking to the footpath alongside the road will provide a continuous but slightly more gentle climb.
This also leads to the Hotel zum Waldnaabtal which is worth visiting for Zoigl beer if it is open.
You are now at the foot of Marktplatz and will see the hanging sign of Teicher on the right side.

Update January 2020. Hours are as above. For actual days of opening see
For a taxi in the Neuhaus/Windischeschenbach area Martin Neugirg on 09681 3915 is recommended.